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Infant Junior School & Camp Education

Infant Junior School & Camp Education Infant Junior School & Camp Education

Infant Junior School & Camp Education

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Gaynor Kilmister

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to the Infant Junior School and Camp Education, I hope that our website gives you a glimpse into the exciting journey of learning that we all undertake each and every day.

It is a rare privilege to educate your children and one that we take very seriously, uncovering and nurturing the talents of your children is both a passion and a vocation.

Our school is an exciting and vibrant place to belong and grow. Our staff are dynamic and innovative, they think very carefully about the building blocks to successful learning and design learning experiences that focus on individual pupils and their needs.


Our school, and its caring team of staff, provide a supportive, positive, challenging and stimulating curriculum that encourages all children to grow as individuals and to aspire to be the best that they can be.

We aim to inspire every child, regardless of any barriers to learning, to engage in the learning journey. We are highly inclusive in our approach (but are always looking for further ways to improve). Our team, including teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral, SENCOs and my leadership team are here to support you and your child through these times. We understand that we are all unique and yet we share the same goal, we want your child to be part of the community, add to it, make a difference to it and make life better for all around them.

To do this we aim to foster confidence, perseverance, tolerance and integrity; to enhance communication skills; to embrace creativity; to encourage teamwork; and to promote an open-minded and outward-looking mentality.

We are also there to celebrate with them when they start learning to read, show kindness to someone in their class, demonstrate resilience and perseverance with their class work or go the extra-mile with an out of school activity. You will see this through school clubs, performances, engagement with our community and the opportunities we embrace within our unique South Atlantic Island home.

I look forward to meeting and working with you throughout the course of your child’s journey at IJS & CE.

Kind Wishes

Gaynor Kilmister

Principal IJS & CE